40 Days of Faith

Welcome to the 40 days of faith! We are so glad you will be joining us, and we trust that you will experience Jesus in a powerful way as you embark on this journey with us. There are a few initiatives that we would encourage you to join us in for the next 40 days.


  1. BIBLE READINGS: We will read through the book of Matthew together – follow the bookmark for your daily readings. Since the readings are small, I encourage you to read them more than once. The first time through just read the text, the second time through ask yourself what is the main point of this text, what is the overall message that Matthew or Jesus is trying to get across? On the third time through put yourself in the text, what are the sights and sounds, imagine Jesus speaking to you as you are in the crowd or maybe a thirteenth disciple, what is the culture like? On your fourth time through pray the passage, for the church, for yourself, for the community, for your office or job sight. If you find all 4 to be too much, just do what you can! I would encourage you to try going through it this way at least a few times over the 40 days I am sure you will find it very rewarding! Finally try to memorize one verse a week that really stuck out to you, hiding God’s word in your heart is so crucial!
  2. WHAT ARE YOU TRUSTING GOD WITH?: You received an index card that says what am I trusting God with. I want to encourage you to prayerfully consider what you need to let go of, what do you need to place in the capable hands of Jesus? Is it your health, your relationship with your kids or spouse? Is it a job situation, or a diagnosis? What do you need to turn over to Him? Write it down and in your daily prayer time commit it to him and tell Jesus that you want to join Him in what He wants to do with this and ask Him to direct you and speak to you.
  3. NIGHT OF WORSHIP AND WEEK OF PRAYER: We are calling the whole church to prayer on March 9th, at 5:00pm we will have a worship team and a kid's program. We will be having a week of 24/7 prayer starting on April 13th, and we will have signups for that. There will also be our monthly prayer meeting on April 13th at 5:00.
  4. PRAYER WALK: We want to prayer walk our community. You will find a large map on the wall beside the mail center in the lobby. Each Sunday see if there are a few streets that you would like to prayer walk and then with the marker provided highlight those streets. Let's see if we can prayer walk a 2km radius of our church. (pray for the families of the homes, pray for salvation, pray blessing, pray protection, if you sense the holy spirit wants you to stop for a bit longer and just pray over a house do so, just make sure to stay off people's property)
  5. FASTING: Choose something to fast. Maybe it would be social media, or all media, maybe coffee, or sugar. Whatever it is, every time you desire to partake in it over the next 40 days let that be an opportunity for you to connect with the Lord. Let it remind you of who you are in Christ and most importantly who you belong to!
  6. COMMITMENTS AND TESTIMONIES: Finally, if you have a testimony of how Jesus is meeting you or met you as we go through this process, please let us know! We will be having larges spaces in the lobby to write it down as well as what your are fasting and trusting God with. We would love to have you share it with the rest of the body. It is so encouraging to hear that God is on the move!


We are trusting that Jesus will meet us in a profound way over the next 40 days. I am looking forward to doing this journey together!

Pastor Marcel Kurtz

ValleyChurchWhiteLogo 200

1160 East 29th Street
North Vancouver, B.C. Canada
V7K 1C2

Email: info@valleychurch.ca

Phone: 1 (604) 980-0307

Valley church